J.A. Von Schinzel - Reynolds a.k.a Joe Chaos Bio

"People like a good story, Joe. You'll learn how to tell your own 

when you're older.'' - My Grandfather, one Summer when I was a kid.

Time went by, I would look for them on occasion. 

One day, the writing impulse hit. Thoughts, images, sentences, verse,

I could barely write it down quickly enough. At times I felt like there 

was something above me dictating...''Hey, repeat that?'' But I'd just 

have to hold on for the ride. 

Ride the wave, wave goodbye, admit to maybe having one foot on the other

Side, nothing to prove, a page to fill, and full pages to save to share 

on rainy days. 

Auto Writing has never been so coherent... ;) 

I've written about 400 poems and lyrics in the last 23 years, only a handful 

of stories. Sometimes for fun, generally with something very impassioned on my 


Results vary, the messages really don't. Redemption, above all. 

I write for catharsis and find it to be very healing and expressive.

Even if it's about leaving you dead at the crossroads, figurately of course

...it's good for ya. 

I write about Human Experience. Not about the mountain you climbed, the car wreck

you were in. More like the conviction, the integrity of surviving either.

The strength we find in our humanity; our emotions, morality and ethics, as well 

as the simple primal hungers of taking what we want without remorse when we know 

it will serve the good of all. 

As well as the Spirituality extant in rising above it all. ''Maximising the true and 

clairvoyant potential we all have as Human Beings.'' - Some Witch I knew so damn long 

ago now...

If there's not Horror enough in just being Human, I also have a couple of Epic Poems about 

Vampirism and Werewolves that may see the light of day here. Nephalim as well, and 

the Seasons. 

Whatever the Muse brings me on occasion.

Some of you know me for my work with presenting live events here in the Upstate NY

and Western Ma. scenes...which is wonderful. I do like letting others know there's 

more to me than that. 

Chaos. Also a synthesis, not always a destructive force of nature. Sometimes I'm provoked,


I think my words will speak to you well. Love or hate, find comfort in or get creeped right the 

fuck out...it's up to you. 

Penned in blood? Definitely my own, most of the time. 

''My stream of Consciousness turns into a river of blood.'' - Anthrax 

Many thanks to Mr. Splatter Joe @ Solmotions Studios for asking me to contribute.

Peace In Darkness,

J. A. Von Schinzel - Reynolds 

- Chaos.