Speak Part 1
by J.A. Von Schinzel - Reynolds
Speak to me of Winters
With fire in your eyes
Speak the revelation with
Arrows in your hands
Tracing starbeams but
Your feet have never
Crossed the span
Never crossed the span
Of the lightyears
Your soul made of
Galaxies expanded
Beyond the sunset
That you exhale
For all to see
Blinded in the darkness
Blinded by the snowfall
There is a light in the black
And somehow we carry on
Equalizing eternity’s
Endless love of itself
Fire in your eyes
Speak the revelation
Thus spake the nephalim
And the cuddly cute demon
Children of the endless night
Perhaps with a little love and
Tutelage they may come to worship
The Light
Perhaps they shall come to speak the
Revelation aright
And there shall be one of the truest
Epiphanies ever laid before your feet
If Angels were to ever celebrate your might
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